Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 2, second round!

Okay folks, I have successfully completed 12 days of my second round of 40 day, Very Low Calorie Diet, along with the hCG. Only 28 more days to go! :)

I can honestly say that this time around, the 500 calorie days are much easier to do, and I crave the foods I love (and can't have right now!) less and less, which is good. The stronghold food had on me for my entire life is now gone. Yes, I still do crave sometimes, and I still am tempted to cheat, but I don't. To be honest, I might have a few extra melba toast rounds, which I'm only allowed 4 per day, but I have not strayed from the foods that are allowed. 

At my last weigh-in, I was very pleased with my results.

My weight: 389.6 Yeah!!!
My BMI: 69.1 Yeah!!!

It feels good to be below 390. And it feels great to see my BMI below 70.

I honestly felt that I would never get below 400 again, and I am so thankful for this diet and the support I am receiving daily. Keep those comments coming, and share with your friends if you think I may inspire someone else.

Much love,


  1. Sarah - shut up! This is awesome! You are doing a great job sticking with this intense diet through the good days and bad. Sooo encouraging to read along. Keep it up!!

    Love Betsy

  2. thank you so much Betsy i give
    God all the credit

  3. thanks Debbie for the WOW i agree with you
    on that
