Saturday, August 27, 2011

Round 4, Week 1 Complete!

Okay, folks! One week down, about 5 to go for the low calorie portion of this round. When I say it like that, it seems like it will be over in a flash, and let me tell you... I CAN'T WAIT! 
I am seeing amazing results (which I will share in a moment) so I know that this is ALL worth it. I am getting slimmer, trimmer, and HEALTHIER. Which is what I need. And the best part of it all, is that I am now able to stand on the scale that measures your weight, BMI, body fat percentage, muscle percentage, body age, and more! So today's update is AWESOME! I now can see much more of the results that this diet is having on this body of mine. So, without further ado, here are some numbers!!

Today's weight: 329!!!! (down 16.4* pounds!)
BMI (taken yesterday): 58.3 (down 3.1 points!)

*Now, some people may think, "How can anyone lose 16.4 pounds in one week? That is unsafe!" etc., etc., etc. But here's the real deal, folks. When your body learns what to do, especially with something like the hCG diet, it snaps back into action, faster than anyone would think. Some of this weight was gained from my loading days, just before the 500 calorie diet began, and some of the weight loss was actually from my body fighting off a bit of a bug a few days ago. I did have a hard time eating, but I am alright now. Also, it is VERY important to note that if a 150-pound person lost this much weight in a week, it would be a danger sign, but seeing as I am still in the 300's my weight comes off faster, because my body burns more calories just by even sitting around than a person's in the 100's or even 200's. So please understand that this is okay. My weight will certainly not keep coming off that fast, but this first week back always gives a real jolt to the weight-loss.

Thought you might like to see an example of a meal option for us. This is a "Taco" salad, just minus the chips. We also get a fruit and some Melba Toast to go along. So if you think you are starving yourself on this diet, or if someone has told you as much, now you can send those people right here to my blog and show them the truth. :) By the way, this is a regular serving bowl, not a single-size bowl. Romaine Lettuce is low-cal and we get a TON of it.

New numbers!!!
(This is from Tuesday the 23rd)
Body fat %: 56.7
Muscle %: 19.9
Body Age: 77
Visceral Fat: 11 (This is the fat that accumulates around the organs in your abdominal area. 9 and under is considered normal, so I only have 2 points to drop and I will be normal in this area! Amazing!)

I hope you all will continue to walk with me through my journey. And bring your friends along! If you are walking through your own weight loss journey, add a comment here, and let me know how you are doing. I will cheer you all on just like you have cheered me on.

Much love,

Friday, August 19, 2011

4th Time, Loading Day 1


Today is Day 1, the first of my "Loading Days," and I am excited. I have been doing well this far, and haven't gone over my last dosage weight, in fact, I've lost a bit more altogether.

Today's weight: 345.4
BMI (taken yesterday): 61.4

A friend and I are about to head over to a Chinese buffet for lunch. We are both loading today and tomorrow, so this will be fun. There are actually 2 other people who are embarking on the hCG journey today as well, so the support group will be nice.

Here's to another successful round!

Much love,