Thursday, November 3, 2011

Long Time + No Blog = SORRY!!

Hey everyone, Sarah here. I realize it's been a while since I've last been on here, and for that I apologize. However, I am here now, and ready to report!!

First of all, let's get some of the "why" out of the way. I recently have been helping a friend with her chronic illness, and in the middle of that, I myself landed in the hospital with severe kidney stones and infection! I had a stint put in to help and also a procedure to zap/disintegrate the stones, only to have more to be done later. I am now waiting to hear the good word that all is well and passed, and am finally in a lot less pain. I am staying at my mom's place for this time, so I can have help when needed. But I am seriously, finally, feeling much better. Almost back to normal!

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty! My weight. I am happy to report that through this hardship, I have not looked to food for my comfort. I have not gained... I actually have lost more weight.

Weight: 306.8 (down 10.4 pounds from last time!)
BMI: 54.4 (down 1.5 points)
Body fat %: 53.8 (down 0.7%)
Muscle %: 21.3 (up .8%)
Body Age: 72 (down THREE more years!)
Visceral Fat: 11 (same)

I feel so great to be #1, in better health with regards to my kidneys, and #2 to be continuing in this journey. I have even been able to treat myself to a few goodies without gaining. I don't go overboard and know that moderation is definitely the key.

Thanks to you all for keeping up with my story and for your kind words of encouragement and prayers. Sorry for missing October!

Much love,

Friday, September 23, 2011

Round 4, Week 4 Complete! Phase 1 Complete!!

Hello everyone! I've made it through the first phase of my 4th round!!! I am very happy that I made it, because this time wasn't the easiest. I had many ups and downs, giving into temptation and kicking myself for it, followed by forgiving myself.

I have to say that if you are on any sort of discipline program, whether it's to lose weight or stop smoking or whatever, DON'T CHEAT!!! It's never worth it. Never. It's never worth it to lie to yourself and be disobedient to what you have promised yourself in the first place.

With that being said, here is a look at how I ended up after this phase...

Weight: 317.2 (down 3.6 pounds from last week)
BMI: 55.9 (down .4 points)
Body fat %: 54.5 (down 1.8%)
Muscle %: 20.5 (up .4%)
Body Age: 75 (down TWO years)
Visceral Fat: 11 (same)

I'm glad to be done, like I said, but it was very worth it. I feel so much better and know that I will only continue to grow (by that I mean grow in maturity, and SHRINK is size!).

I finally bought a pair of jeans that have an actual button and zipper! I haven't had pants without just an elastic waist in so very, very long!!! I'm so full of joy and happiness. This is a great feeling!

Now onto phase two!

Much love,

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Round 4, Week 3

Oh, dearrrrrrrr......

Well, I really have had some struggles again, but I think that the worst has passed and I am ready to be back on track and live through the rest of this low calorie phase with the right attitude. I really broke down this week and ate Subway... like a sandwich. I can say it wasn't my proudest moment. I gained two pounds from it, and felt awful afterward. Cheating is never the answer!!! In spite of my indiscretion with Subway, I have still managed – truly only by the grace of God – to lose fat and weight. I know that I could have lost more, but sometimes life is what it is, and we just have to pick ourselves up and keep walking through the tough times. 

Weight: 320.8 (down 4 pounds from last week)
BMI (taken yesterday): 56.3 57.4 (down 1.1 points)
Body fat %: 56.3 58.4 (down 2.1%!!!)
Muscle %: 20.1 (up 1.1%)
Body Age: 77 (down one year)
Visceral Fat: 11 (same)

Something happens during a tough disciplining event in life: if there is any amount of rebellious attitude anywhere inside of a person, it WILL come out. I have found that through this dietary restriction and cleansing time, other areas in my life are beginning to be affected – for the better. Because when something ugly rears its head, then I have the opportunity to take care of it, cut it loose, and never let it back into my life again.

I am content with where I am at, but I do still struggle. I am thankful for friends who are true, and for God in my life, always protecting and guiding me.

Keep up your own fight, battle daily, and be victorious.

Much love,

Friday, September 2, 2011

Round 4, week 2 complete!

Okay, so here's this week's numbers. I will say that I tried to revisit my love for the Melba Toast and found that I cannot have them around. The temptation was just too great and I ended up eating a lot of them. (We are allowed one toast per meal on this portion of the diet.) I ended up giving them away again, and will not be buying them again. For some reason, they call to me and I just can't say no. So this week my numbers are just a bit off. I'm still down in pounds, but I have gained fat and lost muscle. This is NOT typical of this diet, I want you all to know. Typically the fat percentage goes down while muscle increases... unless you cheat. Oops. So I declare to all of you, my witnesses, I will not be buying the Melba Toasts again while on this portion of the diet. 

Today's weight: 324.8 (down 4.2 pounds from last week)

BMI (taken yesterday): 57.4 (down .9 points)
Body fat %: 58.4 (up 1.7)
Muscle %: 19.0 (up .9)
Body Age: 78 (up one year)
Visceral Fat: 11 (same)

As far as the rest of my week, it was alright. I have had bouts of hunger, but it wasn't as bad as in the past. This diet does get physically easier as you go, but for some reason I am being pulled emotionally in many directions. I want to give up sometimes, but I am not a quitter. I will not give up. (Except the Melba... that I will give up!) I will persevere. 

Thank you to you all for your care and prayer.
Much love,

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Round 4, Week 1 Complete!

Okay, folks! One week down, about 5 to go for the low calorie portion of this round. When I say it like that, it seems like it will be over in a flash, and let me tell you... I CAN'T WAIT! 
I am seeing amazing results (which I will share in a moment) so I know that this is ALL worth it. I am getting slimmer, trimmer, and HEALTHIER. Which is what I need. And the best part of it all, is that I am now able to stand on the scale that measures your weight, BMI, body fat percentage, muscle percentage, body age, and more! So today's update is AWESOME! I now can see much more of the results that this diet is having on this body of mine. So, without further ado, here are some numbers!!

Today's weight: 329!!!! (down 16.4* pounds!)
BMI (taken yesterday): 58.3 (down 3.1 points!)

*Now, some people may think, "How can anyone lose 16.4 pounds in one week? That is unsafe!" etc., etc., etc. But here's the real deal, folks. When your body learns what to do, especially with something like the hCG diet, it snaps back into action, faster than anyone would think. Some of this weight was gained from my loading days, just before the 500 calorie diet began, and some of the weight loss was actually from my body fighting off a bit of a bug a few days ago. I did have a hard time eating, but I am alright now. Also, it is VERY important to note that if a 150-pound person lost this much weight in a week, it would be a danger sign, but seeing as I am still in the 300's my weight comes off faster, because my body burns more calories just by even sitting around than a person's in the 100's or even 200's. So please understand that this is okay. My weight will certainly not keep coming off that fast, but this first week back always gives a real jolt to the weight-loss.

Thought you might like to see an example of a meal option for us. This is a "Taco" salad, just minus the chips. We also get a fruit and some Melba Toast to go along. So if you think you are starving yourself on this diet, or if someone has told you as much, now you can send those people right here to my blog and show them the truth. :) By the way, this is a regular serving bowl, not a single-size bowl. Romaine Lettuce is low-cal and we get a TON of it.

New numbers!!!
(This is from Tuesday the 23rd)
Body fat %: 56.7
Muscle %: 19.9
Body Age: 77
Visceral Fat: 11 (This is the fat that accumulates around the organs in your abdominal area. 9 and under is considered normal, so I only have 2 points to drop and I will be normal in this area! Amazing!)

I hope you all will continue to walk with me through my journey. And bring your friends along! If you are walking through your own weight loss journey, add a comment here, and let me know how you are doing. I will cheer you all on just like you have cheered me on.

Much love,

Friday, August 19, 2011

4th Time, Loading Day 1


Today is Day 1, the first of my "Loading Days," and I am excited. I have been doing well this far, and haven't gone over my last dosage weight, in fact, I've lost a bit more altogether.

Today's weight: 345.4
BMI (taken yesterday): 61.4

A friend and I are about to head over to a Chinese buffet for lunch. We are both loading today and tomorrow, so this will be fun. There are actually 2 other people who are embarking on the hCG journey today as well, so the support group will be nice.

Here's to another successful round!

Much love,

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Hey everyone! Summer is in full swing, and I joined in this year! I can't tell you the last time I wore a swimsuit, but this year, after more than 100 pounds lost, I did it! Not only did I buy a suit that fit me, I wore it and went swimming with friends. I used to work out in the pool at my old gym, but I never wore an actual swimsuit. I always wore shorts and a t-shirt, because I was so big. So this is something to celebrate. 
Me in my awesome cover-up!

Did someone say BATHING SUIT? :)

My weight is actually up a bit, but as I said last time, this is part of the process. I did go away for the weekend – for my church's annual conference – and restaurant foods are always harder to manage, especially when it feels like vacation time.

Weight: 344.6 (up 1.4 pounds... still not a defeat!)
BMI: 60.9 (up .4 from last time... again, not sad, just getting back on track. :-D)

A friend and I will be starting another hCG round mid-August, so be prepared to encourage us in that. I'm ready for more weight loss! I'm on the road to health and freedom in the body I was meant to have, and I want to thank you all for joining me. These journeys, while some aspects are meant to be walked alone, others are meant to be accompanied by friends who encourage. You can't make my eating decisions for me; I have to do that. But you all have walked alongside me in this, cheering me on, and praying me through, and for that I am eternally grateful. 

As you have encouraged me, I will now encourage you: #1 If you are also on a journey similar to mine, keep it up! The only one who controls your choices is yourself. This is something I am learning through this. And #2, through encouraging words from friends, I find the support I need to continue making those good choices that will lead me closer to my goal. Every day is a gift; every breath, a miracle. Remember to thank God for your life. And if you haven't ever considered Him as your life-source, it is time. Jesus paid for your miraculous lives with His own, and you are loved by Him more than you could ever comprehend.

Thanks for your support, friendship, and love.

Much love,

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Here's to Routines!

I have been having a rough week this week. I want to do the right things, and continue on the right eating path, but lately it is hard. I'm being honest right now. But even more than wanting to eat the things I shouldn't, I don't want to gain that weight back. And that is what is more important.

I know that the Holy Spirit is my helper, and that God won't give me more than I can handle. This week's weigh-in still shows a loss, so that is phenomenal.

Weight: 343.2 (down 2.6 from the last official weigh-in)
BMI: 60.5 (down .5 from the last BMI calculation)

Thank you all for being an encouragement to me. And to be honest, I can really use it right now. Feel free to comment here or to Facebook me, if we are connected, if you feel led to encourage. 

Much love,

Monday, July 11, 2011

Busy Summer

Well, the office has been closed all of last week for a little much-needed retreat from the daily hustle and bustle, so I haven't been on a normal schedule. However, I do have a pretty graph to show you of my progress for the last 6 weeks or so. 

I think it's important for people who might be on this same path to understand that sometimes the battle isn't always downhill. Sometimes there are things – especially for women – that happen and we have no control over them, like hormone changes. It's all okay. 

As long as you are consistently caring for yourself and have people who can keep you accountable, you will see progress. It's not always easy. It's not usually easy! But there are times when you look back at your progress and think to yourself, "I'm not doing so bad at all!" After all, I am still more than 100 pounds lighter than I was at this time last year.

Have fun looking at the pretty chart, and keep cool!

(By the way, my weight today was 342.2.)

Much love,

Friday, June 24, 2011

WHOA! Catchup time...

Well, well, well... It has been two weeks since my last blog. My normal weigh-in days have changed, and lots has been happening. I do apologize, friends. But I am back now and ready for the summertime fun!

Nitty gritty... I have not been doing much to lose weight, but rather am spending time maintaining where I am at. The last couple of weeks have been full of celebrations and fun, and I just felt that celebrating rather than depriving would be best, so that I don't over-indulge at a later time!

Weight: 345.8 (down .2)
BMI: 61 (up .1, don't ask me how it all works! :D)

I do hope that you all are enjoying the summer, and that you all are achieving your own personal goals, as well as being an encouragement to those around you.

Me and one of my little Angels. (A beauty I get to babysit, isn't she lovely?)

Here's to Summer!!!

Much love,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wedding Seasons - New Dresses!!!

Well, aside from the many sugary offerings that wedding season tempts us with, something else happens during this time of year that I haven't participated in for a very long time: buying a new dress for attending weddings! 

So, folks, here I am, decked out for some friends' wedding! For reminders, here is my very first before picture, and THEN the dress!!! I am so happy to share this picture with you all. Your support of me has been a huge help in this process, afterall.

Me - 450 pounds

Me!! 345 Pounds!!!
This week's numbers...

Weight: 346.0 (down 4 pounds from last week!)
BMI: 60.9 (down 0.8 from last week!)

The game is still VERY on, and I am in it to win it! My short-term goal is to get down to a 3X dress that I bought years ago. My dress that I just showed you was a 4X. I can do this!! Please pray for me and continue to keep those comments coming. I am so thrilled with my results, as I am losing weight even after I have finished with the actual Low Calorie, Stabilization, and Maintenance phases. 

Again, thank you for your prayers, support, and comments.

Much love,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today is a very special day, and I would LOVE, absolutely LOVE, for you all to share this post with as many people as you can or would like to, because like I said, it is a VERY SPECIAL DAY!!!

We have walked this far together, and for that I am eternally grateful. So today, I am so very proud to share with you all that I have officially lost 100 pounds!!!

I couldn't be happier, and of course, I must give thanks and praise to Jesus Christ, my Lord. He has given me the strength and courage to walk this path, and I have complete faith that He will continue to do so as I traverse through the next 100 pounds. To God be ALL the glory!

Weight: 350.0 (Down 100 pounds!!!)
BMI: 61.7 (Down 14.8 points!!! I'm lovin' this!)

When I began this journey, back at the end of November, I don't think I really had the faith to lose 100 pounds. But I have. And I know that I will continue on! I thank you all for following this blog, and for the comments you leave here. It is the best medicine to read your kind and encouraging words. So please, keep it up, and I will, too.

Thank you!!!!

Much love,

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Progress After a Setback = Happy Sarah!

Last week I hit a bit of a bump in the road... If you remember from the last posting, I was up 2.6 pounds from the previous week. It seems as though I was getting into a bit of some bad habits, and it really woke me up to the fact that we all have to make conscious decisions about what we put into our bodies, if we strive for health and wellness. So, back to the proverbial drawing board: eating better, more proteins, etc., and I am back on track.

Weight: 356.8 (down 1.6 pounds from last week's indiscretion.) 
BMI: 63.1 (down .1 from last week)

So, we are back on the right track here, and the best part is, over the entire scope of this journey so far, what I have gained during last week will soon be all but a memory, and certainly, isn't anything, compared to where I started from. In ANY difficult journey, we must remember to look at our obstacles and setbacks with the eyes of the long-term. Don't dwell on a mistake; the place you are now is better than the place you were six months ago. 

Be encouraged this week, and if you're on a weight-loss journey yourself, or any other journey, for that matter, never EVER give up. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." –Philippians 4:13

Much love,

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Parties and Party Food

Well, 'tis the season for weddings, wedding showers, and all of the foods that go along with said functions. I have had a bit of a tangle with certain foods that have left me in a bit of an upward slope, but I am not about to give up.

Weight: 358.4 (up 2.6! Yikes!)
BMI: 63.2 (up 0.5)

The nice thing about friends is that they look out for you. I attended a bridal shower for a friend this past Sunday, and another friend of mine, who is also on this weight-loss journey, made the cake. A homemade, from scratch carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. And she didn't forget about those of us in need of no sugar/no flour. The top left cake, with the large green flower piped onto it was made with almond flour and stevia, the frosting was made with Splenda. And it was delicious! I had my cake and ate it, too!

Lots of love and celebration to you all during this wedding season!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another Week, Stabilizing Away!

Well, as the name suggests, I am supposed to be stabilizing my weight right now, teaching my body to maintain a consistent weight. This is going quite well, actually!

Weight: 355.8 (up .6 from last week)
BMI: 62.7 (same as last week!)

This is a success. In reality, Stabilization is a time where my weight can fluctuate 2 pounds either way, and so a .6 increase is really good. (And today, my weight was back down to 355.2, but I post the Tuesday weigh-ins on this blog, so I wanted to keep it real. :-D)

This week has been okay. I am really craving the starches right now, as they keep calling to me from the Subway counter as I order my salads with meat, veggies, and cheese, but no croutons or sugary dressings. It has been a struggle, to be honest, but I have friends that keep me steady and faithful, and of course, God is always right there, holding me through these times of temptation.


I pray each of you has a great week, and thank you again for your continued support!

Much love,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stabilization, Here Wo Go!

I have begun my 3rd round of Stabilization! I am happy to be able to eat more foods, as long as I stay away from the carbs/sugars, for now. In a few more weeks, I will begin to slowly add them back into my diet, and I will be living a pretty normal lifestyle until August, when I go back into another round of hCG and low calorie diet.

Here are my totals for this week. I am happy to say that I am so very close to the 100-lb mark! Please stick with me folks. I still have a long way to go, but losing 100 pounds is such an amazing feat; words simply cannot describe it!

Weight: 355.2, down 5.8 lbs
BMI: 62.7, down 1 whole point

I am fighting a cold this week, which made me really crave some comfort foods, like my favorite Subway Chicken and Dumpling Soup... I did NOT give in! Even though I really felt like it.

These are the types of changes that I am making, so that when I do have times of normal eating, I won't be gaining the weight back. This is the change that everyone needs to keep the weight off: eat responsibly, and only eat what your body needs, not what your emotions tell you. 

Sometimes it is hard to turn away from that emotional pull to eat the things we love, but in order to be successful in this journey, I must be stronger than my emotions. This is also why it is so important to have a dedicated group of friends to hold me accountable and to love me through each step of this long road. I thank you all for reading, following, supporting through your comments and sharing, and most of all, I ask for your continued prayers for me in this journey.

Much love,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 3 - 3rd Time Around - Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter to everyone! Celebrating Easter, while on the hCG diet is a bit different. But that's just what I did this past week. I was able to spend Easter dinner at a friend's house, who not only cooks meals fit for a king, but also, cooks meals fit for this King! Yes, I really wanted to try the mashed potatoes. And of course, the ham looked amazing. But the chicken breast, roasted with oranges and rosemary was outstanding. I enjoyed salad - as much as I could eat, and for dessert, some cooked apples with cinnamon that was out of this world.

You really can enjoy the way you eat while on this diet! I am thankful not only for Easter, and what my Savior did for me all those years ago, but also for the hope He has resurrected in me, regarding my life and health.

Weight: 361.0 - down 8.2 pounds!
BMI: 63.7 - down 1.5 points!

So, all in all, while I didn't partake in any of the chocolate, or the Easter eggs, I did partake in the celebration of Jesus' resurrection and life, and that's what this holiday truly means to me anyway.
Happy Easter, Sarah King!
God bless you all, and thanks for your continued support on this journey toward health, fitness, and a much slimmer me.

Much love,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week 2 - Third Time Around! Progress, Progress!

Well, today is a day of brutal honesty. Remember those Melba Toasts? I have found that the magnetic pull of the mighty Melba was just too much for me. I have rescinded my pledge to stay within the recommended amount of Melba intake, and come up with a new pledge: I promise to not even have the Melba Toast in my apartment. I know my limitations, and will live within them for this.
Even in the face of such calamity, I have a wonderful success to share with you all.
Drumroll, please!

Weight: 369.2 (Down 5 pounds!)
BMI: 65.2 (Down 1.2 points!)

So even though I had a few moments of indiscretion, the hCG Diet proves faithful and true. I am now down 80.8 pounds, and giving praise to God for His work in me. It is all because of Him!

Have a beautiful week and enjoy the so-called Springtime! :)

Much love,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week 1 - 3rd Time Around! Here We Go!!

Hi again friends. 
I have begun another round of the hCG, and Very Low Calorie Diet, and might I say, I can't believe this much time has past! As you remember from last week's blog (if you haven't read it yet, PLEASE do, there are pictures and massive total numbers to report, so please take a gander) from the beginning, I have already lost 77 pounds. This third round, I expect great results. 

Transitioning back to the low calorie diet has been a bit easier than I expected, but it still has its difficult points. I love those little Melba Round Snacks and I could eat so many of them! But I am promising a friend that I will only eat what I am allowed for each meal.


Yes, I did gain some this past week. Here's why: Two days before you embark on the low calorie diet, you are supposed to load for 48 hours. Well, I sort of loaded for maybe 4 or 5 days. Not good. NOT recommended.

Weight: 374.2
BMI: 66.4

Here's the great part about these numbers. I get weighed every Tuesday. Today is Wednesday, and I already am down to 373.6. But I wanted to keep the numbers real, and to be honest with you all. That's how we roll! :-)

I want to say to all of you: Thanks for hanging in there and being my cheer-leading squad. It means so much to me and keeps me going stronger, when you leave encouraging comments and praise. And let me tell you this: ALL of that praise goes directly to Jesus Christ, my Savior. He alone is my hope and salvation, and NONE of this would be possible OR worth it, without Him.

Peace to you all.
Until next time... 

Much love,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pictures and Progress! A MUST SEE!!!

This week has been pretty normal, aside from the fact that I wasn't feeling very well. I can say that I didn't turn to food to make myself feel better, and that is a great thing.

This week's numbers... drum roll please... :-)

Weight: 373.0 (up 0.2 from last week, but I am in the stabilization phase, so this is actually a positive thing. It's okay. ;-D)
BMI: 66.1 (same as last week)

Let's remember the numbers...

             Start (Nov. 2010)    Today (April 2011)   TOTAL LOST
Weight: 450.0                     373.0                      77.0 lbs          
     BMI:  76.5                       66.1                       10.4 points

To date, I have lost a total of 63 1/4 inches. 

And here are my pictures. What I see is lots of progress. And I thank each of you for your continued interest and support during this journey of mine. Truly, it is *our* journey, as each of you readers are encouraging friends!

My beginning....... And................ Today! 
 It's nice that I wore almost the same thing. You can really see the difference when you look at my shoulders!

These side-view pictures are killer. Really. This is the *same* shirt I wore for both pictures. Look at the size of the arm hole. It is the same size in each picture; the difference is the size of the person wearing it. BEAUTIFUL!

 This is such an exciting thing. It's so amazing to see the changes. Now, if only I could let you all FEEL how much better I feel. Truly, this is a gift from God in my life.

The work has been hard, and it will be hard as I continue. But the greatest thing is knowing that God will never leave nor forsake me, and I have such dedicated friends who share in my journey.

Again, many thanks.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stressful Times, But We've Got PICTURES COMING! (This week...)

This week turned out to be a bit more stressful than most others. Factors other than my food lifestyle really tried to complicate things, but that's okay. This week was amazing, in spite of other circumstances!

I lost 3.6 pounds, and my BMI came down .5, which is so great. God is faithful, no matter what our days look like, or our situations may be. So friends, just remember His faithfulness, especially when you are in one of those weeks like I just had. :-) God is good, and His plans for me are also good.

Weight: 372.8
BMI: 66.1

Keep the faith.
Much love,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stabilization, Week 2

This week has gone up, not down, but I am NOT upset in the least. These things happen, and with body chemistry and etc., this sort of thing is bound to happen.

Right off the bat, here are my numbers:
Weight: 376.4
BMI: 66. (eek!) 6
(You know, even though it's just a number, how many of you freak out just a little when you see 666? I'm so glad that next week, THAT number will change! HAHA!)

The cold and rainy spring has translated into dreary conditions not only outside, but in my daily routine. I love that winter is ending, but wish more than anything for the rains to stop, just a little. I would love to see a bit more of the sunshine and blue sky, filled with wisps of lovely clouds for me to photograph... but I digress... 

I am sure that after this colder and wetter spell, my spirits will be lifted and I will even become a bit more active as the tell-tale signs of this new season begin to scuttle about, encouraging me to enjoy this earth that God has made.

Look for lower numbers next week, friends! Please leave me your comments below. I would really appreciate the encouragement. :-)

Much love,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stabilization, Once Again!

This past Monday I started into my second round of Stabilization. My 40 days of hCG and low calorie, turned into 35 days, as I accidentally spilled a little of the hCG/Vitamin B mix. Whoops! I was reassured that it would all be okay, and I just kept on the path and began Stabilization a few days early. No harm done.

This week, as I have begun stabilizing, I didn't expect to see dramatic weight loss, and that is okay. Again, my body is working hard to metabolize food properly during this time. So here are the results for this week:

Weight: 374.6
BMI: 66.4

I lost .4 pounds this week, and lost .1 in my BMI. This is still great, as I am losing, just not as quickly. But again, this is the time to train my Hypothalamus to control my metabolism correctly.

I have recently purchased some new clothes... 5X!!!!! I haven't been in a 5X for years. I know I said this 3 weeks ago, but now I am actually wearing them and people are noticing. And I have to say, it feels wonderful to walk into a store and purchase clothes, instead of being forced to buy over the internet because there weren't any other options. I have decided that it's nice to have options. :-)

Take care out there, and enjoy the springtime weather.

Much love,